Erosion & Sediment Control

Explore a plethora of products and technologies used in the prevention of soil erosion and water pollution. Prevent the loss of topsoil, keep sediments from entering waterways, and reinforce channels and slopes.

contractors lining slope with hydroturf
High Performance Channels/Ditches
Permanent erosion control systems for high velocity applications that are typically involve concrete or aggregate elements.

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High Performance Channels/Ditches
contractor ovelaying armormax for slope stabilization
Detention/Retention Ponds
Prevent soil erosion or loss on steep slopes and drainage areas, while enhancing the vegetation.

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Detention/Retention Ponds
Reinforced Slopes for slope stabilization and revegetation
Reinforced Slopes
Open weave blanket technologies held together by synthetic or biodegradable netting for temporary erosion control.

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Reinforced Slopes
silt fence lining job site

What is Erosion & Sediment Control?

Controlling Erosion and Sediment is a critical component of stormwater pollution prevention both during and after the construction phase. Without a system in place to protect slopes, waterways, berms, infrastructure, and retaining walls, premature failure can be expected. There are many available erosion and sediment control technologies available to the market, each serving a unique role to achieve the same ultimate goal. Hence the importance of aligning the right product to the right project.

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hydroturf on slope

What are the benefits of Erosion & Sediment Control?

Erosion control and sediment control products play a major part in bringing the expected longevity of a design to fruition. Many projects are designed with the end in mind to account for major storm events or unexpected wearing from traffic/maintenance cycles. GeoSolutions supports a wide array of erosion and sediment control technologies to best fit your project with options for success.

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