Propex Petrotac 360 Product Shot
Complated paved road with PETROtAc
Team laying PETROtAc on pavement
Contractors carryig PETROtAc
Preview of Propex Petrotac Product Shot
Complated paved road with PETROtAc preview
Preview of team laying PETROtAc on pavement
Preview of contractors carryig PETROtAc


What is Petrotac?

Petrotac is a self-adhesive paving membrane geotextile designed to protect pavements from moisture damage by providing a stress absorbing interlayer to decrease the development of cracking over time. It is used to treat local pavement distress, including joints and cracks, and can also be used as a moisture barrier on bridge decks.

What are the benefits of Petrotac?

Petrotac is cost effective and designed to protect pavements from moisture damage by layering the pavement and providing a stress absorbing interlayer, thereby extending the length of time before the development of pavement cracking. Through an easy peel-and-stick installation, Petrotac seals crack and joint applications to minimize water infiltration.


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Product Details

Petrotac is easy to install and designed to extend the life of all paved areas, including highways, parking areas and airport pavements.

Product Brochure
Product Specifications

Petrotac is unchallenged in the industry for asphalt pavement interlayer application. It is AASHTO/NTPEP compliant and is available in a variety of styles to fit your specific project needs and specifications.

4591 PDS Product Specs
Installation Details

Anticipate potential issues and resolve them with a GEO Pro prior to your construction. Contact your local GeoSolutions representative if you have any questions. Contact Now

Install Guide
Case Studies
Greenfield, In
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